
I'm a broken down old biker from way back. I was born in Hamilton, Ontario Canada, in October of 1957 to
a hardworking, middle class family in a dirty steel town in Canada. Being born here in "Hammertown" gives people a bit
of true grit. It's probably the steel filings in the air. There are a couple of things Hamilton is well known
for.....Steel and being the birthplace of Organized Crime in Canada.
I grew up loving motorcycles, and riding them all the time. I've owned many Harley's over the years, but this is the
first one I've ever built from the ground up. This site will show you the trials and tribulations of the past two years I've
spent building this bike.
Taking a break in the shed
What a job!
I've always been artistic, and after a short stint at the Steel Mills in town, I came to my true calling. I
started painting signs in high school, and carried this on later in life. I had been painting signs and doing custom
artwork for many years in my own small company until a fall from a ladder in May of 2000 injured my neck and back so badly,
that I was told I'd never work again. I now had nothing but time on my hands, and would use this time to get back in
the wind by building a custom Harley by hand, from scratch.

